I’ve an interesting hand at today’s bridge: K♠️ + A♥️ + A♦️+ A♣️=15 points, without counting in two singletons, which worth 2 pt each (a void is 3 pt).
This hand maybe an easy decision: bid ♠️ because I’ve 7 of them (as it turned out, my partner has two: A♠️ and 6♠️.
Just remember the scoring: 3NT or 4♠️ makes a game, score 100 points below the line.
Correct opening bid ought to be 1S: you have 15 points and 7 spades. An alternate opening bid could be 3S bc you have 7 spades. Either one is NOT perfect but FAR better than 1NT bc you have too many gaps in the other suits and you have 7 S
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