Archive for September, 2016
September 28, 2016 at 1:11 am
· Filed under Musing
During the 6th inning of Mets vs Miami Marlins, one of the commentators said that one of the older player had said to a younger one (I’m only half watching, multi tasking, as usual) that if you want to be a super star, not just a good ball player, you’ve to play through pains.
It’s so true.
September 10, 2016 at 5:55 pm
· Filed under Tennis

- 有栈桥画面更丰满、立体[呲牙]
- 夕阳居中,水面有栈桥,线条比较丰富,画面感强,远近的层次比3饱满的多
Getting up early to work. Face the spider by the entrance again, and some evidence of the ducks and gooses – someone is more diligent than I’m -:). Most friends rated the top one @ 7am over the third one below. A similar one from last week.

A very humid day, temp is at 70+ but sweat streaming down my little braids. 6-4 and 6-7. What do you do when the players in your group never opens a can of balls and has bad line calls consistently?
September 9, 2016 at 3:06 am
· Filed under Tennis
Here is the video. Another blink moment. This is the last shot Kerber hit to the baseline and won the semi final match. Caroline Wozniacki has challenger but chose not to use it. Everyone is wondering why didn’t Caroline challenge it? No one will hand you a victory unless you try. You’ll have to earn it.
I watched part of Wozniacki’s and Kerber’ interview. No one asked about the last point.
September 7, 2016 at 8:11 pm
· Filed under Tennis
It’s kinda of painful to watch him 痛苦的表情. It’s just a game. Everyone on Nishikori’s team is wearing the same t shirt, with multiple logos. Not that this is unshared of, but it kind of an eyesore, very 俗气. The team leaped up after Nishikori took the second set at 4. Here is 30 min youtube of him looking back at his career.

… and at semi against Wawrinka … showing his belly ehhhhh

September 4, 2016 at 1:04 am
· Filed under Tennis
Kvitova five or six years ago. The bird view of the new US Open complex.

Isn’t her hair a bit too heavy?

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