Archive for September, 2023

Butterfly again

smile … picking up my flys again: I did butterfly for the length of the pool. Feeling that my feet are way too low … more problems will be discovered and corrected, hopefully soon.

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3 As and spaces

without much support: another Aces and spaces.

My partner opened with 1♦️ who has all hcp in the suit.
2♦️ me: 8 hcp, 4 diamonds

Upon hearing my response, my partner jumped to 4♦️.

Actually, our hands are pretty lousy.

Your 2D response indicates you have d’s BUT neither of you have anything else. Partner’s response to you s/b 3d. Then pass all around since neither of you have any other suits. Partner barely has opening points,12, you have 8, not enough for game. You have aces and spaces.



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Stiff back day

Played back to back: last night and this morning – haven’t done this in a long while.

Still trying to work on my forehand and serve, while my backhand is kaput, totally undependable. … and my lower back is in mild pain.

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Serve: left arm stays up

… the blurry video shows: my left arm stays up longer … but my torso doesn’t turn much …

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A new Chinese card game 掼蛋

I’ve been playing this new card game lately. 27 cards each hand – a lot to get ride of, which is the goal.


2017年1月,作为趣味棋牌竞技化的项目之一, 国家体育总局棋牌运动管理中心颁布了统一的淮安掼蛋竞技规则.


Unlike bridge, this game can be noisy and sometimes players will get into fight – although I’ve not seen this yet…

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Bored … 无聊?

What do you do when feeling bored?

I’d play bridge or tennis.

One of my friends … bought a car -:)

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The blue moon 2023 @ pool

The Next Full Moon is a Supermoon and a Blue Moon
, and Rakhi Purnima posted by nasa on August 24, 2023.

For the past two days, our skies were cloudy, perhaps from Idalia that passing through Florida recently. This morning as I was heading to the pool, the moon was high and mighty.

All photos are taken with my iPhone 12 Pro. The info on the large photo below: telephoto camera 52mm f2, 3mp · 1780×1763 · 1.3.mb. ISO 100; 218mm; 0 ev, f2, 1/109s ⇓

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