Chess doesn’t make much news. But today the reign champ and current #1 Magnus Carlsen (1990-) who had won five times, said “I’m out, f— you” and quit the FiDE tournament in New York over … eeehhh … a pair of jeans.
He’s from Norway and won the championships five times.
Why the regulation? It seems so passé.
PS. New Yorker followed up with an article a week later, titled What Carlsen’s jeans have to do with chess.
In talking about chess, a Chinese male Ding Liren (丁立人, 1992-) from Wenzhou had won 17th (2023-4) world chess championship; and Hikaru Nakamura (中村 光, 1987-), is perhaps the wealthiest chess player.
Chess ♟️ 国际象棋
News: Chess grandmaster Magnus Carlsen quits championship tournament over a pair of jeans: ‘I’m out, f— you’
国际象棋大师马格努斯·卡尔森因一条牛仔裤退出锦标赛: “我退出,去你妈的” [偷笑]
大概没听说过 与时并进 [偷笑]
象棋本是没啥颜色的游戏. 如有人喜欢奇装异服来比赛 我会欢迎: 三点 牛仔 天女散花… 通通欢迎
… 不化
小喜欢郎朗多过李云迪 因为朗spunky虎头虎脑活泼些 有些眼前一亮的感觉 虽然很短暂
因为这个新闻 发现丁立人 (1992-) 以前都是ni🇨🇳女娃拿女子冠军
前不久有🇨🇳个男娃拿过冠军🏆 庆祝 … 不过他现在排名22 看来是burn out 倦怠 (?) 不知道’倦怠’啥意思 谷歌翻译给的 = 厌倦? 娃还年轻 希望他找到自己喜欢的路
🇺🇸 Hikaru Nakamura 应该是象棋界的富人. 可幸好的棋手不一定都需要睡汽车吃垃圾