Archive for July, 2015

The Wannabe

NJ Devils defenceman Sheldon Souray wrote a short and sweet memoir, titled The Wannabe. At the end, he thanked a few people that inculded

Ken Daneyko: What kind of guy gets called into the GM’s office and is told he’s being sent to down to the minors and replies, “No … No, I’m not.” Then goes out for practice and convinces the brass to send somebody else down instead. You’re a legend, King.

Souray probably should have added that Daneyko had won 3 Stanley Cups with the Devils. From what Souray has described here, Ken was bold, which reminded me of a tennis outing about ten years ago.

I was playing doubles with three dads. My partner was from China. There was two courts in our section, without partition. The two guys on the other court didn’t play well. Their ball was flying all over the place.

Tennis etiquette has it, if your ball rolled onto next court, you wait till their point is over before you go to retrieve. Better yet, we or I always return the ball at first opportunity.

So the first time one of the two came onto our court to retrieve their ball, none of the dads said anything, even we returned their ball promptly.

Next, one of them got onto our side of the court. Another tennis etiquette is getting on to other’s court is rude, short of invading. Then next trip he wade into our court was deep into the middle of the court, behind the baseline, that I almost collided with him.

I lost my temper. First of all, one of the boys should have warned them that it’s a no no. But since they said nothing, the two felt they had granted a free pass. Secondly, I felt my safety was in danger. So I creamed, “get the *&^$$ out of my court!”

The courts stood a still for a second. The two said, “this isn’t a Wimbledon, relax.”

“Relax? To hell with you. You stay out of my court.”

To my surprise, my two Chinese opponents apologized to them, right in front of me. That didn’t sit well with me. Buddy, they were shaving you, I stood up for you, was this the way you replay me?

Chinamen, in some quarters has the rather slight reputation due to their meek and timid. The two certainly took that and waded into our court again. This time, my partner walked up to him and said, “Stay away from our court.”

Thanks partner! You couldn’t imagine how grateful I was, for the support. They were chest to chest. My partner stared down at him. His partner came over and pulled him away.

When we left, our partner didn’t forget to bow slightly to the pair as we passed by their court.

I never played with this 龟公 or eunuch 太监 again, -:)

Maybe I was over sensitive but I’ve ran into the same situation a couple of times. Once a none Chinese neighbor won’t return our new ball. And my male Chinese partner and opponents didn’t have the guts to ask for our ball back. It’s incredible and unbelievable. Come on guys, stand up.

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Federal, squeezing by

IMG_8807I don’t think Federer could win another grand slam title. This year’s Wimbledon left me with many memories, like Serena won her 21 title but none of them beat this one: he squeezed by the Djokovics embracing. I always thought Pete Sampras was the classiest champ of all time: he quit after winning his 14th slam title – left the game on the highest note.

More pix of the men’s final:

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The semis

Telegraph Maria Sharapova departs Wimbledon with verbal fight saying: ‘If I was British, a semi-final would be incredible’. Ha ha ha, the nasty British media was all over her. The fire works was better than the July 4th.
1st pix is Muguruza, Serena’s opponent in final.
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费晋决赛 [拥抱][拥抱]💪💪 轻松 打赢酸黄瓜 [偷笑] I know I’m terrible … can’t help it [偷笑]. 昨天沙娃牙尖嘴利 挖苦🇬🇧 结果被刻薄的英媒体砸的体无完肤 [偷笑][偷笑] 比国庆的烟火 🎆 还好看 [偷笑] 🇬🇧媒对沙娃不是很客气 (落井下石似的)所以她输了后说那番挖苦东道主的话 [流汗]

“Nobody beats Vitas Gerulaitis 17 times in a row” 不可能有人连赢我17次 是句名言 [偷笑] 一个美男网球星在他连输16次终于赢了第十七以后说的. 垂死挣扎的沙娃应该好好复习一下[偷笑] 她输的真快,3 和 2 – 她连输给小威17次 [鼓掌]. 12(左)是小威星期六决赛的对手. 也喊也叫但是没有沙娃那么离谱. 沙娃的广告收入首屈一指 (李娜临退休前居二)不知道广告商是不是物有所值 – 她身材高挑,穿什么都好看. 但是平🐻 皮肤粗糙 + 雷声隆隆,实在倒胃. 真还没有遇到几个喜欢她的人.

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Serena’s 21st @ Wimbledon

Somehow this picture reminds me of the proud Lion King. Way to go girl. Only one more. And many more!
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On the baseline ball called out

Victoria Azarenka was serving 0-4 to Serena Williams during the quarter final. They were one set apiece. Azarenka was leading 40-30 when Serena hit a deep shot that landed on the right side of the baseline. Very much in but was called out. She didn’t challenge it. ESPN replayed it to show its very much an in ball: right on the line.
I thought about Li Na’s missing opportunity. Someone has more room for maneuvering.
Serena took the match

Venus looks very pretty, sitting pretty -:)

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Wimbledon 2015

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The final and the dance

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The sisterly act

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Venus vs Serena Williams: how many this kind of match will we see?

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Chinese female tennis players’ names

At the conclusion of the Caroline Wozniacki vs Zheng Saisai (7-5, 6-0), Pam Shriver said, “Saisai byebye, let’s go to Tom” the other announcers laughed at the rhyme.

Did Zheng Saisai have this name at her birth or changed afterward? In  2007 when I met Yuan Meng, I thought her name’s neat, giving her rural background.

During the second set, Zheng took medical timeout. Briefly I thought of 2014 US Open Wozniacki vs Peng. Anyway, it turned out to be short. Wozniacki went on to hand out a bagel.

  1. 张帅 Zhang Shuai
  2. 彭帅 Peng Shuai
  3. 晏紫 Yan Zi
  4. 袁梦 Yuan Meng
  5. 郑赛赛 Zheng Saisai
  6. 段盈盈 Duan Yingying
  7. 孙甜甜  Song Tiantian
  8. .. ..

这些女网球员的花名是真是假? 拼音万岁!

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