Archive for August, 2019

Five sets

Unintentionally, I caught the tide rising (8:38 and 10:37) – within two hours: 12,769 steps or 4.76 miles (walked a total 7.1 miles of the day)

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Threesome again

We could only get three. I was on the two side but we lost all three sets.

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US Open 2019

The qualifying rounds starts on Monday this year, and ends on Friday, as usual. The prize purse is $57,238,700, $3.85 million to the ultimate winners in singles.

I watched Taylor Townsend (1996) and Ann Li (2000). Townsend is from Chicago and was ranked 61 in June 2018. Li is from King of Prussia, Pennsylvania was a runner-up at the 2017 Wimbledon Junior Championships.

The matches were suspected at around 5pm during impending storm.

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Beethoven’s weekend

A musical weekend at the Berkshires with a little yoga

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A little too late

I kind of miss the boat: they’re closing for the season next week, 8.16. But my hesitation for not going to this pool is the life guards are pushing people out ever earlier – they do that consistently, year after year. The up side is I normally have the pool to myself. The shower room is ok.

The pond is quite nice with blue sky in a portrait setting. As I was going in, two kids are playing merrily with the water hose.


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I see Picasso 看到毕加索

I see Picasso [呲牙] 看到毕加索.

When I finished my 1,100 m on Thursday, I thought I could beat Roger … but that was two days ago. This morning played three sets and lost 1,2, and 4.

三小时 一万步 占尽天时地利优势
… 不谈伤心的事 讲讲艺术🎨



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