October 27, 2008 at 11:11 am
· Filed under Football, Tennis
Last year Giants played Miami Dolphins, and yesterday the New Orleans Saints played the San Diego Chargers at London’s Wembley Stadium again.
The names for the pro teams are sometimes baffling. Chargers? How about letting the Steelers play the Packers in London? The Europeans sure would have a field day. Jaguars, Panthers .. sound so much better. Was there an Oilers? What’s happened to it?
Anyway, Giants won yesterday. They were behind most of the time, but never looked out of control. I ate 6 crabs while watching.. They’ll play the Cowboys (nice name) next Sunday. Eating time again.
October 26, 2008 at 5:33 pm
· Filed under Football, Tennis
Giants is playing the Steelers .. both are first place team, both are 5:1. So it’s an important game.
What a gorgeous autumn day!! If any of you haven’t gone out, you’re missing a lot. Quick, head over to the court, Wah Zai is waiting: I teamed up with him and Irene with William. Wah bragged that he’ll serve his little darling Irene double fried eggs. 🙂 Ended up we lost first set in a blink: 6:1. Then Wah wondered ..
“Now how can I leave the court .. ” 🙂
I lose all the time, will have no problem leaving .. not sure about him .. he might still be there.
It was really a good match. We ended up 2 sets a piece. Had quite few long rallies. It was very relaxing and enjoyable.
I looked like a congar out there with Pumpkin’s pants – told them not to take picture of me who dressed like a clown. It’s a recession time, 🙂 got to wear what I have been handed up/down. I inherited few jeans from King too. I didn’t realize that boy/man’s pockets are really deep or long. I wear Golfer’s sweater too .. .. I’m cheap 🙂
I just had a very eventful day. I thought of taking the highway to NJ for a meeting. But opted for the local to drop off Pumpkin’s racket for restring.
11:30am. Sunny, pleasant, a typical autumn day. I was driving on the Northern Blvd and got pulled over. Offense? Broken break light on the passenger side. The young cop, Mr. Park walked over and looked at my car, shout: “Your inspection is expired too.” Ok, that’s my fault.
$85: $25+$60 fine plus surcharge.
It took him 15 minutes to write up my two summons that were illegible: later at the Precinct, the young cop couldn’t read my license plate from the yellow summon.
After the meeting, I got the light fixed and did the inspection. Then parked at the Chase parking lot, did my thing in the bank and dropped off the racket next door. When I returned 10 minutes later, there’s white note on my windshield. I normally don’t look around, but thank god I did. A motorist damaged my right front bumper. He left me a note. Two guys were in the parking lot, and one of them asked,
“Your car?” One of them interrupted his phone conversation, pointed to my car.
“Yes.. ”
“That’s the van .. the green one, just left ..” then he went back to his phone conversation.
I chased out. Because the note he left with his cell # was missing a digit. He was waiting for the traffic light.
“Sorry, stuff happens. Call me with repair, I’ll send you a check.” He then added the missing digit, and sped away.
Life goes on.
I went to the 111st Police Precinct to get the car inspected. Because Mr. Park stipulates that if I get the brake light fixed within 24 hours, the ticket will be dismissed. The PO at the desk, first told me he has no idea as what to do.
“Mail this to the court with the repair receipt.” He told me.
Darn, Joe didn’t give me a receipt.
“I think you are going to look at my car and give me a form ..” I suggested.
He looked really unwilling. Then he asked a secretary who came over, fish out a piece paper. The PO must be really green. He read the entire thing.
When we went out to inspect the car, he said,
“I can’t sign this. It isn’t fixed.” He pointed to the driver side. Somehow, I remembered the PO who handed me the summon, mentioned passenger side.
The young PO re-read the yellow summon and chuckled.
“I guess I’ll have to sign it since the summon is for the passenger side.”
“Pls don’t issue me another ticket .. I’ll fix the driver side as soon as possible.”
He agreed.
I capped the lucky day with 3:1 sets of win on the tennis court, with William. The only loss came when I played against him. Did I mention that I got lost in and out of NJ? That’s just the icing on the cake.
While waiting for the car to be fixed, I went to eat in Flushing when I wasn’t even hungry. In this little basement mall on Main Street. I had dumplings. Why can’t New York have a decent dumpling house like the one in Toronto?? Hope it does just I don’t know about it yet. Did I lose my mind by going into this dig? Maybe. But it tastes pretty good. Freshly made. I probably would go there again. On another lucky day. Let me consult the 黄历 first .. 🙂
October 22, 2008 at 9:13 am
· Filed under Saga, Sports ·Tagged tennis
They had a winning season (8:2), concluded it on Monday with anthor win. Those little young ladies are tough cookies, and very confident. .. The opposing team had lots of snakes (mostly junk food) and didn’t pick up after themselves. I don’t understand why would coach buys junk food? Water/juice/chocolate/dried banana or apple .. are better than these chips/candy .. uhhhhrrrrrr ..
October 16, 2008 at 8:54 pm
· Filed under Sports ·Tagged tennis
One of the couples (he’s 4.5 and she is above 3.0) I play tennis with were angered by a loathsome female player who’s at about 3.5 level. One day they were playing doubles and the 3.5 woman was teaming up with another guy. During the second set, no one had held serve so after 8 games, it was obviously 4:4. But the 3.5 woman insisted that they were up, 5:3. .. then she said to the 4.5 guy that “it’s no fun to play with you” and left. Without finishing the match.
1. We all love the 4.5 guy. He’s very popular, mild mannered, really nice and fair .. just a great guy to have around on and off court.
2. Not finishing a match is rude, unless there’s emergency that you have to leave.
One of un-written etiquette is that weaker player be appreciative for the chance to play up – I certainly am – this isn’t limited to tennis, correct? Don’t you treasure the opportunity to do/play/team up with someone who’s better at it than you?
I knew the 3.5 woman for a long time. When she first came to NY, was chubby, hicky and did not play tennis. We were actually pretty friendly with her husband who came first. But when she arrived, we all distanced from him: she was that dreadful and boring.
Fast forward about nearly 20 years. We ran into one another on court. She slimmed down a lot, and became a tennis junky – which I think is the best thing for her. And still dreadful: she’s short tempered; on court she yells/blames at her partners all the time. (I often used the word yell with Sunny and Simon .. that’s totally different story .. more of bragging and joking ..) She openly scolds her hubby .. .. My impression is that she’s very frustrated at home (pun intended ..) and with her life in general hence vetting out her anger on court. So pitiful. She appears to be extremely shallow and uneducated. A tiny bit education and happy and loving family doesn’t produce such behavior.
I admire hard nosed people regardless he/she likes me or not, but looking down on the brown nosed ones. She’s the color nose. A little advice to the 3.0 girl: you have a wonderful guy at home with a great life, shouldn’t be bothered by such loser. Think about it, what else matters in the world, beside your family? Sure work does provide lots of satisfaction, but I think a terrific family or live with someone you love and trust is the ultimate key to happiness and success.
Another thing I found them to be popular is that they’re generous in opening a new can of balls. I’m not stingy in fulfilling my share, but there are few so so players that I played with for years who NEVER opens a new can of balls. Truly a free loader.
October 15, 2008 at 12:50 am
· Filed under Badminton
Jordan and I finally beat Simon and Sunny! It’s a huge win for us, on our fourth try! I was totally soaking wet, panting like a cow. A great game.Jordan coached me on serving. I did all wrong all these time. Sweet.
We later lost a should-win-easily game, Michael and Kate. I was too tired to even move and my right wrist was hurting. Sorry about complaining about my injury. Should just suck it up and move on. Tough love.
I was wearing one of those hand-me-ups. Jenny asked why do I dressed in a teenager’s outfit. Oh Mothers! She’s really decent dresser. I told her that I’m too cheap to throw out those cloth ..
October 13, 2008 at 10:30 pm
· Filed under Saga, Sports ·Tagged tennis
Pumpkin and I won our first match today, 4:6, 6:1 and 6:3!!! Wow .. that’s something we both cherished. This is our second time playing together. She serves much better now and plays with more confidence. The will to win she displayed was pronounced, which in turn got me going. We both won points on each other serves and set ups, that pleased us equally. She doesn’t mind I’m talking [too much] and I loved that she pointed out that I stay in no man zone .. we’re a game, set and … match, :). I’m just really ecstatic, playing with my girl .. heaven !!! !!! As usual, she refused to take a pic with me. Ah well, can’t have everything.
October 13, 2008 at 9:25 am
· Filed under Badminton
In explaining his design for the tee shirt for the past weekend’s inter-club tourney, Sam wrote:
The theme if the idea is “Birdies Symphony” or “Dancing Birdies”…
I got the idea as I recalled the very first time I walked into AES for my very first badminton session…
I heard some very loud sound of the rackets pounding the shuttlecocks. It turned out to be Garry who had been punishing those poor birdies. I’d never knew that badminton could have those kind of “sound effects” before then…
As I moved on my badminton path, I found that it was actually kind of rhythmic to “hear” badminton in session. There are loud drumming like heavy smashes; there are like ‘cling’ sounds like the sounds of a harp when someone hits a light drop. It is always a mix of sounds of all kinds in different rhythms. When there are many courts playing at the same time, it’s like a symphony. That is what got me the idea to design the tee shirt for our tournament. Didn’t you enjoy the symphonic day last Saturday?
.. .. Sorry that I missed the tourney .. well written Sam .. .. The birdie can travel at 200 miles per hour, faster than a tennis ball. Once my left hand was hit by it and got bruise. I was too chicken to say anything. Didn’t want the boys think that I’m a sissy. Then one day I told this to a doctor, he confirmed that I wasn’t a crying baby. Indeed the little white birdie causes bruises.
October 10, 2008 at 10:13 pm
· Filed under Cycling
If I were to run a European tour and here is an American who had won my tour 7 times in a row, I sure would welcome him coming out of retirement and compete again. Right? Besides, the Yankee offers the huge market that other wise might be somewhat closed.
What is Lance Armstrong thinking to return? Winning that 8th title? Without his former team and mates? His stake is high. If he lose, the media and nay sayers would jump on him that since the drug testing is more sophisticated now that he has to ride clean .. .. Or he’s over his prime .. .. I could only think that he loves the sport and also wants to promote his agenda, which he could find any other platform to do so but he chose cycling.
What is Jean-Etienne Amaury thinking by claiming Legstrong had “embarrassed” the tour? Doesn’t he recognize the fact that it’s Legstrong that attract so many Yankees that other wise wouldn’t even glance at his direction? I for one, would not if were not for Legstrong. The sissy Europeans could not keep me in front of TV. Non of them are even as half good looking as Legstrong. Thick head.