2011 Metro USTA League
Manhattan Mixed Doubles Playoff Regulations
Congratulations on a successful season and reaching the playoffs. Captains and players should review the following regulations PRIOR to their first playoff match.
Venue: Matches will be played indoors at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center. For directions, visit here.
Playoff Format: This is a single elimination tournament. Each court is worth 1 point. The team that wins the most points in each match is awarded the win. The team that wins each level will advance to the Regional playoff.
All match times are approximate except for the first match of the day. Matches will be called as the courts become available. The default time (15 minutes) starts when the court is called.
Eligibility: Players must have 2 local matches recorded. Only 1 default may count towards eligibility. Each team must have a minimum of 6 players available in order to participate in the playoff’s.
Once a player participates in this tournament, they may not participate in a playoff match in another region until their Metro team has been eliminated. (Please see Eastern Rule IIIG for additional details).
All players must have government issued photo ID. Random checks will be done throughout the tournament.
Check-in and Scorecards:
Captains are required to check in at the tournament desk upon arrival. Captains must present their lineup 30 minutes prior to their scheduled match time. If a player is late, the captain must put the missing player in the 3rd doubles position before the lineup is submitted.
All players must be present and ready to play 30 minutes prior to the start of their match. When the court is called, all players must report to the tournament desk, introduce themselves to their opponent and then proceed immediately to their court. Players who delay the start of a match will have a penalty point accessed.
IMPORTANT: Players will receive a 30 minute rest period between matches at the same level. Players who elect to play at 2 levels are NOT entitled to a rest period.
USTA roving umpires will be present during the matches to maintain warm-up and rest periods, resolve disputes and enforce the rules of tennis. Officials will call foot-faults and penalize code violations. A referee will also be present to answer questions about tennis rules.
Match details:
Warm up: 10 minutes, including serves.
Games are regular scoring, with a set tie-break (first to 7 pts) when 6-6 in games is reached during the first 2 sets. If you split sets, a 10-point tiebreak will be played in lieu of the 3rd set. In doubles, order of serve and receiving order can be changed after each set.
Coman tie-break procedure is used for all tie-breaks: players change ends after the 1st point and after every 4 points thereafter.
Breaks: A 2 minute break is permitted between the 1st and 2nd set. Play is continuous between the 2nd set and 3rd set tiebreak unless there is a changeover. A maximum of 90 seconds is allowed on changeovers, 20 seconds between points.
All matches are played to completion.
All players (winners and losers) are required to turn in the balls and report their scores to the tournament desk IMMEDIATELY after their match finishes.
Captains must sign the scorecards after all courts are completed.
Player Etiquette:
Players must follow the USTA Code of Conduct at all times.
The server must call the score loudly and clearly before each serve. Players are responsible for ensuring they have heard and understood the score. If all players on a court forget the score, go back to the point that everyone agrees on.
Make all line calls clearly and immediately on your side of the court. If there is doubt, the ball is good. (A ball that is 99% out is still 100% in). Officials will overrule bad line calls.
All cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off during matches.
Bathroom breaks may be taken, but should be on a changeover and with the official’s knowledge. Players may not talk to their teammates, coaches or spectators during a bathroom break.
Spectator Etiquette
Spectators, family and team members are encouraged to attend our playoffs, as long as they abide by the following:
• May not talk to players on the court. Coaching is not allowed, and talking to players will be treated as coaching.
• May not comment or make visual signals on line calls.
• May not cause any distractions to the players.
• May not engage in any form of verbal abuse against players, spectators, or tournament staff.
• Must limit clapping and cheering as it disrupts play on adjacent courts.
• MUST turn off all cell phones and electronic devices.
• May not approach the officials to discuss matters relating to play or the players. They may, upon the request of a player, alert the official that a court needs assistance.
• May not use flash photography nor videotape matches.
• May not enter a tournament court without the permission of the tournament staff.
Spectators who violate these rules will be asked to leave.
A warning and/or a penalty may apply as a result of any player, captain or spectator interfering with match play and abusing the code of conduct. This includes disruptive behavior on or off the court.
Spectators who violate these rules will be asked to leave.
The tournament staff will provide snacks (i.e. bananas, granola bars) for the players. Please make sure your players bring their own water and any other dietary requirements.