Archive for April, 2016

Finally I got a win

6-2 and 6-4. We were leading 4-0: yes, for once, I held my serve. Then … they won the next four games. The mother goose is gone, perhaps she took the bagel with her – thanks mommy goose!

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The little big family.

image 2016-06-18 image

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Couldn’t hold my serve!

IMG_8191 IMG_8198 IMG_8188 IMG_8169 IMG_8194 IMG_8192 IMG_8203 IMG_8202 R IMG_8202

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Oh …

This morning, I lost 5-7 and 4-6. With 3 girls last night, I lost 0-6, 1-6 and 6-4. Not very flattering.

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