Archive for October, 2022

The pool at different times

Different times on the pool deck

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Swimming at the new pool

This pool is slightly smaller than the ‘standard’ 25 yard. It’s only 22 yards. No wonder my timing is pretty good -:)

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Swimming @ Halifax, Canada

We spent two nights in Halifax after the cruise.

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Yoga on the deck

A glorious day, at sea, unfortunately – would rather have it when we have excursion …

I ended up led a short yoga session – ya, me leading, can’t imagine but I did. I think everyone is trying to do something.

All the photos are taken by ship’s photographer, thank you!


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Yoga in Canada

Did a few poses at Akpatok Island, Canada, with mud boots, life vest and the parka. It’s polar bears territory, so our armed guards ask us to have the life vest while on the beach – so we can run or evacuate immediately should a bear appear.

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