Archive for July, 2012

Ciao Cinderella

the last court to finish

Our run has just ended tonight. We have a big cheer for going this far! Could not have done it without the pretty women on our team. Big hearty thank you for being part of this first time team. I feel very privileged to hobnob with you for a season.
Jenn and I played 3D (in playoffs, first/second/third do NOT matter, each court worth 1 point). They won the toss – yes, we had one umpire, and opted to receive. I served first. Early in the match I was running down a shot to the right corner. When I called it out, our opponents jumped to the net asking if I was out of my mind. Ok, no, they were polite and asked if I was sure. I was sure before that. I did not reverse the call, but it did bother me throughout the match. Later there was a call that we felt was wrong. Then one by Jenn they did not like .. So I suggested to the girl crossed the net,

Mr Line

“Maybe we should get a line person?”
She replied politely, “that’s a good idea.”
Neither of us acted on it.
During the second set, Jenn served wide to the ad court. It was close. She hesitated and ultimately failed to return. They looked at each other and just shrugged: she could have called it out. It just reaffirms most players are honest and fair. We won 6-3, 6-2, I think our lobs made the difference. Thanks to Simon, even he has shifted his love to Jenn -:). Also big thanks to Ralph who drilled us on Friday and Monday. It gives me a lot of confidence.

we’ve great time .. thanks girls

Oh, after the warm up, Jenn went to Ralph to the protest of our opponents. It appeared to be, as coaching. Jenn’s right wrist has been hurting and Ralph has been trying to be helpful. (My back has been hurting too, so Ralph gave me some sticky pads to use.) After she parted from Ralph – I think something is happening other than tennis .. -:) I told her please, please please pretty, do not do it again, regardless what you’ve been talking about. During a match, I wanted to hand camera to a friend, so I asked my opponent if I could do so. She said fine and offered to take picture for us. This may avoid some unnecessary ill feelings.

July 31, 2012 @ NTC: the Final

Many friends and foes came to cheer us up. The most jaw dropping moment of the night is when a husband who has come to my home for dinner couple of times walked by me without a greeting. Yes, I could have said hello .. .. but I didn’t because I wanted to see what is he made of. I always consider men in general are just more worldly than women. Guest Mommy Eng is always wrong -:)

More pix in gallery, on FB; FB too

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The Muttontown Club

Muttontown Club
5933 Northern Boulevard
East Norwich, NY 11732-0009


the entrance


It’s opposite from Martin Viette Nursery. If you’re coming from West on Northern Blvd, pls slow down after seeing the little Hoffman Center sign, slow down, the quite entrance to the club is few yard to your left.  The club has five har tru, nicely maintained courts

July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012

July 29, 2012

Oct 21, 2012

Oct 21, 2012

Oct 21, 2012

Oct 21, 2012

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Cinderella goes to final

July 25, 2012: Cinderella goes to final

Jenn and I played the 2D. (pix on FB) They won the toss and opt to receive. Of course Irene goes to serve and promptly lost it. We were trailing 0-2 and Jenn held hers after many deuces. We took first set 6-4 eventually. We once again, trailing 2-5 in the second set despite we encouraged each other to hold on and finish the job without going into the third set. When I was serving 40-15 at 5:5, I failed to win that game. I saw both our (1D and 3D) courts lost. We were able to come back to force a tie break but lost.
During the first set, there was a long good lob that landed on or near the baseline. Steph was up front by the net and she yelled: OUT. Her partner was at the baseline and returned it. We eventually lost that point. I think Steph should have said “bounce” instead. It should have been our point right after she yelled it out. I didn’t argue because should they want to dispute, I don’t have rule book with me: the league should allow the electronic version on rule book.
I began the 3rd set tie break and lost the point immediately. Sight. There were many players watching, friends and foes. When we were 4-4, I hit a backhand down the line swing valley and it kissed the line. None of us heard the girl

watermelon .. anyone?

in red called it out. Stephanie said nothing. After we changed court, the red shirt said 5-4. Jenn and I looked at each other, said, “No, it’s 4-5.” The red shirt came to our side of the court, pointed out that she has called it out.
It was NOT out.
But it’s their call. So they were serving at 5-4.
Jenn has been playing so well and hard, I really don’t have heart to lose this match. They reached the match point first, at 9-7. Then we won three points in a row and got match point at 10-9, Jenn to serve. They hit a return that went long.
I was very happy that finally I did something for the team.
Many have asked me if I knew ours is the deciding match. I said no but I had the feeling that it is .. because I knew we already lost 2 courts. Few mates commented that they’d like to play such match. I agree. The pressure and triumphs, is what makes this league play interesting.
Thank you guys for being there for us!!
It feels great!! More pix on FB

Jenn’s recollection:

I was serving at 10-9 and took my time. We were down at 8-9 with opponent serving. They lost the match point, the energy and the believe. We won 3 points in a roll to get into the FINAL.

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Our last match

It’s a glorious July Sunday. We finally get to meet the last member of our team who came from Seattle for the match, C, welcome.
I’ve to confess: upon enter the low ceilinged club house, I spotted a girl who’s bit older than I thought and, well, not very attractive (to my eyes only), so I thought to myself, oh well, at least she’s young and won all her matches .. Just then, our mate introduced a sparkling and bubbly girl with a gorgeous smile. What a relief -:). Ok, pls keep this just between you and me.

Alley Pond, July 22, 2012, 9th match

One of our opponents was looking for a team to join in early June and her current captain asked me IF we’d like to take her (she couldn’t due to 30% rule), the only condition was I won’t play her when we are facing each other. I said yes, gladly. At the time, we were short players for our 6/15 match too. But after few days, and few emails later, her current captain called me on 6/17, to say, she joined her team instead. They got around the 30% rule by unassigned a player.

More pix and roster in gallery

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Alley Pond

Tennis center

season rates: 2012-3

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Queens District Playoffs – 7/25

出水芙蓉 July 20, 2012 at 7am

Don’t know what’s going on with the league. They announced local play off only 5 days prior AND no time/place. They still haven’t refund me the over payment from our mixed season that ended in April.

It’s been raining like cats and dogs since last night. I’ve game at 8am today. At 7:30am, my partner went to the court. It’s obviously too wet to play; so he wanted to go indoor. At 8am our opponents went to another court .. needlessly to say, it’s water everywhere, like the Winnie the Pooh’s the Hundred Acre Wood. We’re crazy and the league knows -:)

From: coordinator
To: captains
Sent: 7/20/2012 8:39:30 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subject: Queens District Playoffs – 7/25/12

District Playoffs will be on Wednesday, July 25th. Additional details will be forthcoming. Please pass on this date to your players.


One of my girls wrote:

Wow! They just expect people to be free at the drop of a hat!

Here is another email from late last night:

From: coordinator
To: captains
Sent: 7/19/2012 9:33:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subject: Queens Regional Playoffs


First of all, I want to congratulate you and your respective teams for making the District Playoffs. I know you are anxious for the schedule and that will be coming out very soon. I’ll forward it as soon as I have it.

In the meantime, I wanted to let you know that if your team advances to the Regional Playoffs, please be aware that this year, we have a 3.5 Staten Island women’s league. This means that everyone will play 3 matches at Regionals: 1 on Friday and 2 on Saturday.

Good luck in the playoffs!



In a message dated 7/23/2012 10:39:11 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, coordinator writes:

Your semi-final matches will be at 8pm on 7/25/12 @ the NTC. The final is currently scheduled for 7/31/12. Note that these dates are subject to change if it rains.

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Div standings

Div 1 as of July 2

Div 2, as of July 19, 2012

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Ralph the tennis pro

Ralph D’Ambrosio, Jr.

National Tennis Rating Program Verifier
United States Tennis Association Certified Professional

Tennis lesson available for all levels

  • Group
  • Private
  • Pee Wee (Ages 3-7)
  • Junior (Ages 7-18)
  • Adult (Ages 19+)
  • Beginners
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Tournament Level Players

Passionate coaching, with knowledge, integrity, experience, and dedication; lessons tailored to your needs.

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J-Lin is gone.
I don’t like basketball but would watch if Jeromy Lin plays. I don’t like to admit there are racists because it makes me feel small. Perhaps certain race think they own the game, which to a point it’s true…but they don’t like to see an educated kid who doesn’t have an abusive childhood, etc to outshine or what? Lin’s fans are not only Asians. Scrutinize his 3 yr 25 mil is ridiculous when so many other underperformers having more ridiculous contracts.

I wouldn’t be surprised if few mates on the team pressed the owner … ?? In any case, I want to add: I watch Lin not because he’s Chinese. I’d watch even he’s purple or orange. I watched because he’s gracious and charismatic, and his academic pedigree doesn’t hurt either. The fact he excited us, he lift the big apple, gave us hope .. Patrick Ewing got paid handsomely but watching him is like watching a coal fueled locomotive in the bullet train era. And forget not, he brought us no ring.

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the tennis mum

Watching Wimbledon men’s final between Roger Federer and Andy Murray. Andy’s mom Judy is very intense, yelling and jumping. She just makes it harder to cherry for her son. Not Andy is popular and has won any slam. Lady, pls display some manner and adhere to the etiquette. This isn’t hot dog eating baseball. Oh I take that back: sushi at CitiField for a while already. I miss Monica Seles’ Dad who would cheer for both girls. The way should be.

Serena Williams has a very happy Saturday: she won her 5th singles and few hours later the doubles with her sister Venue. Congrats!! Hopefully she’ll be around for another five great years.

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