It’s 1996 US Open Final. Chang has won French Open in 1989 as a 17 year old, the youngest. Pete Sampras has won his first grand slam title as a 19 years at Flushing Meadow, in 1990, also the youngest.
Two Americans meet in the final is always something to talk about. The two, in fact, grew up together and played each other often in the junior tour. Chang had an edge over Sampras but Pete dismissed Chang in straight set. Afterward, Chang answered the media that he was taller during the junior years, when asked why did he have winning record. Sampras would go on to win 12 more grand slam titles while Chang did none.

What was memorable for me of that Final, was a slow zooming shot, of an empty stadium, to a seat in the empty stadium. It’s Michael’s brother Carl and his wife or girl friend. She was talking to him and he wanted no part of the conversation. Perhaps she was trying to persuade him to leave? Carl was Michael’s coach. Pete would go on to win 12 more GS titles while Michael never arrived at a GS final.
Michael becomes Kei Nishikori’s coach and Carl shows up at the player’s box from time to time. Buy one get one free or just to come for the party?
1996年美网决赛。张在1989年赢了法国网球公开赛,只有17岁,最年轻的。桑普拉斯在1990年,19岁,赢得了他的第一个大满贯冠,就在法拉盛草原的美网,也是最年轻的。两个美国人进入美网公开赛总是会有很多新闻价值。其实这两个是从小一起长大,在少年队交锋多次。张赢的多. 张回答媒体表示,戏称小时候他个子高过桑.最令我难忘的,是赛后,一个缓慢的变焦拍摄,由一个座位空空的体育场聚焦在一个座位上. 那人是培的兄弟卡尔和他的妻子或女朋友。她对他说话,他没有反. 也许她是想游说他离开?卡尔是弟弟培的教练. 桑轻易赢了这场决赛;还将继续赢得12个大满贯赛冠军,张再也没有进过大满贯的决赛。
今年张德培做锦织圭。的教练. 培的哥哥 卡尔Carl 也出现在球员的座位里. 买一送一? 还是来凑热闹?