Archive for Bridge ♠️♥️♦️♣️

A NT night

Tonight 18 hands were played, 5 were no trump. I played 7 hands, only won 1. A big fat Waterloo night.




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A two slams night

Two slams night: I played five hands winning 4, that includes an unbid grand slam.

The first slam is, a grand slam but we didn’t bid for – a pooper. We both have 17 hcp each:

♠️ A
♥️ K9872
♦️ AK62
♣️ K52
My P
♠️ K8
♥️ AQJ 10 3
♦️ Q10
♣️ A10 86

So, we’ve all four As and Kings. But we didn’t bid for it, for some reason, unfortunately, played at 4♥️.

The second slam, we’ve 32 hcp (me 15 and P 17): 3 As and 4 Kings.

We asked for As and Ks, ended up 6N and my partner made it – it was NOT an easy hand.

Note to myself: make sure to settle on the suit you’re playing before asking for As and Ks.

I initially bid for ♦️… If we stayed with ♦️, we could have another grand slam since we both have a singleton ♥️♠️.




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Another victorious night

Girls’ night in. Having another good hands game, starting from the very first hand – I played five hands, won 4:

  1. #1 bid 2H, took 10↑ tricks
  2. #4 2D, 8↑
  3. #7 2H, 10↑
  4. #8 4S 8↓ I didn’t play well
  5. #12 2S 10↑





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Two club bidding


At clubhouse, my Lefthand opponent Ira opened with a pass. My partner Mark called two clubs, and said ‘you’ve to response.’ A pass followed. I answered with 3 clubs.

My hand is weak, with 8 points, with 5 low clubs cards, which was my longest suit. Since it’s informal and I’ve been asking questions on my bidding, Mark said ‘2 clubs’ meant a strong hand and not necessarily mean in club suit. 

A few notes for  Two Clubs bid and responses:

  • 22 points to open bid (doesn’t show/deny club suit)
  • 2D response bid = a bad hand, 0-6 points (doesn’t show/deny diamond suit)
  • 2 No Trump bid only needs at 20-22 hcp with a balanced hand.


a few hands from last night with the girls

We chitchat a little between hands. And sometimes after a rubber or twenty some hands (22 hands here), we tend to loose focus. This will be the time we make mistakes. Most often, by playing the wrong card. Such as, one intends to use ♥️ to trump but instead plays ♦️. The dummy is usually keeps a tape on things, like who goes and if it should be led by the hand on deck. All the times, such mistakes were only pointed out afterward. No one, not even the partner would say a thing. And I like it a lot: at Guandan or other kind of card games with my fellow countrymen, oh boy, do they talk and cheat!


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The best opening hand

The first hand of the night: 18 hcp. I bid 4♥️ and made the game.

Toward end of the (the 16th hands) night, I bid 3 NT and ended up winning a grand slam.

The evening went smoothly and I ultimately played the majority of the hands.

My question for the evening is, would you have to play a great hand with little thinking needed, or a even hand that requests some brain to win?

您喜欢一手好牌不要用脑筋 还是 平均牌 需要技巧?


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Bridge basics: points

There are total 40 points in a deck: A K Q J, the high card point.

  • HCP:
    • Ace = 4 points
    • King = 3
    • Queen = 2
    • Jack = 1
  • long suit:
    1.  = 5-card suit
    2. = 6-card suit
    3. = 7-card suit
  • short suit:
    1. = doubleton
    2. = singleton
    3. = void

Just so you know, the maximum points a hand can have – mathematically proven – is 37 HCP because each hand has only 13 cards.

♠️ A K Q J
♥️ A K Q
♦️ A K Q
♣️ A K Q

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3 3 3 4 again

Girls night in, two interesting hands.

Bidding correctly is important: I tend to bid low, to feel my partner’s hand, or give her/him a chance to bid too. But many times, I don’t get to rebid when three passes occurred. Like this hand. My rho opened with a pass:

R1: p, 1♦️ (me), 1♠️, 2♦️
R2: 3♣️, 3♦️

Luckily, the bidding went on after my initial 1 diamond bid, which should have been 2♦️ bid.

This hand is identical to the last time at the club, 3 3 3 4, with 11 hcp, with the same partner:

R1: p, p (me), p, 1♦️
R2: p, 2♣️, p, 2N

By passing the first round, I’m telling my partner that I don’t have an opening hand, 12 to 13 hcp. She bid 1 diamond. The second round, I changed to clubs, which is my best suit, telling her that I’ve 10 points and club is my best suit. She then bid 1NT.

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Best suit vs responding

Playing at the club today, I’ve this hand – 11 hcp, 3 3 3 4, responding to my partner’s opening bid of 1 diamond.

The bidding:
R1: p; p (me), p, 1N
R2: p; 2♦️; p; 4♦️, ppp

In fact, I should have bid 1NT or 1♣️, which is my best suit. Essentially, it boils down to my best suit vs response to partner’s bid.

Per Linda: If I have 4-4 diamonds and clubs I will start with clubs. If I start with diamonds it is because I have 4-3 or 5-3. So, knowing that we don’t have an 8 card fit in clubs, why bid them? If I have five of a minor, then I can rebid that suit because you can open with 4 or even three.

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Too much …

Girls night in, I played the most hands, to a point I felt a little guilty. 8 hands each with two different partners, I played 3 each, total six hands.

The 1st hand, it went from pass to 4 spade.

My partner opened with a pass, who has 7 hcp, and six spades. I’ve 11 hcp, 1 void. When my rho followed up with 1 heart bid, which is my void, I took a chance to respond with 1 spade bid. Although I’ve five clubs but I don’t feel comfortable to go to level 2, when my partner passed.

The bid:

R1: P, 1♥️, 1♠️, P
R2: 2♠️, 3♥️, PP
R3: 3♠️, 4♥️, pp
R4: 4♠️, ppp

… unfortunately, we made only 8/2, down 2.

The 3rd hand: after playing the previous two hands, I wasn’t going to bid again. But got this good looking hand: 17 hcp, 7 card suit, 1 singleton and 1 doubleton. The bid:

R1: 1♦️(me), 1♠️, P, 3H
R2: P, 3N, PP
R3: double, ppp

If they don’t clean us up with club, we’ve good chance to def the contract with my seven diamonds and one ace which could use it to transfer to diamond, which I did. We made 7 tricks.

My question: could or should I insist on diamond? For defeating a contract wins no under the line points.

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Annual party; cue bid

I hosted the first annual bridge party. 8 players show up (one was unannounced; one couple rsvp’ed but didn’t show … oh well), played on two tables. Between serving foods and drinks, I played 28 hands; won 12 bids, winning 9 of them, 75%.

There are couple of hands that my rho (right hand side opponent) Mr. L bid my suit.

This hand, I’ve 4 clubs: ♣️Q,J,10,7, with total 13 hcp, not counting the two doubletons.

Round 1 bid: p, p, 1C, 1S – me, who won the bid.

My left opponent led ♣️4, my partner has ♣️8,6,3,2, which meant my right opponent has ♣️A,K,9, 5. Also, my partner has 9 hcp.

We made 2 (8 tricks in total).

Interestingly, the same opponent bid my suit twice, also in club.

This hand, I’ve six clubs: ♣️KQJ432, 17 hcp with two doubletons. Clearly, club is my best suit.

There was only 1 round of bidding: 1♣️, 1♠️ – me, who won the bid. At this point, I didn’t know cue bid, and also wrongfully bid 1♠️ – I think the better bid should be  1N, to show my points.

Another option is to penalty double. But I’d rather play, to have the chance winning under the line points, that toward a game or rubber. I’ve used double convention many times, for the simplest reason: I’ve better hand and dare the opponent to make his or her contract.


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