Congrats to the golden girls This is heir first win in 20 years, since they won the in 1998 when it became an olympic game. Since then Canada dominated the gold medal podium. 🏒 美国队赢了 🎉 上次赢是1998 之后都是加拿大. 想念Julie Chu 她打了3⃣ 届奥运 2006-14,2银1铜. 她在哈佛的记录 协助得分到2011 才被破. 她的伴侣是加拿大冰球队的 Caroline Ouellette (2002-14)赢了4⃣个金牌. 她们是对手喔 [捂脸] … 赢不了娶回家 can’t beat them marry them [愉快] 她们四个月前生了一个女儿 恭喜