Rudolph Giuliani is seen here with girls’ basketball team, back in the days.
Archive for June 10, 2021
FO bad line call: FIRE him!
A horrific, bad line call by a chair umpire at a grand slam! And as of 2022, they’re still refusing to use hawkeye.
~ 2023 Zhang vs Hungarian Toth
Gosh, an idiot chair empire called the winning match point IN when it was two inches OUT, robbing Czech player Barbora Krejčíková her win!!! Thanks lord she held her cool and won eventually. I can’t image if the out come was different. Her opponent the Greek player Maria Sakkari was annoying toward end of the match, challenging every line call when it was clearly three inches OUT.
What’s wrong with the French when Hawkeye is available? This French Open is ladened with bad line calls, one after another. In this semi-final match, the idol made at least two wrong calls!!!
Fire him!!!
想象: 你第一次赢大满贯的半决赛 满心欢喜 … 但是你的对手不甘心 说 “俺的🎾没有出界.” 裁判从高脚椅爬下来 左👀右👀 然后曰 “没有出界.” 简直是放p: Hawkeye 重放 🎾落在线外足足有两寸. 有现成精准的方法为什么不用?! 这个混账裁判不应该再用 炒他鱿鱼🦑.
进半决赛 的四个娃都没有赢过大满贯 说她们名不经传 一点都不过分: 平均年龄25.5; 赛场上收入29岁的俄国娃最多$10m 最年轻23岁只有$1m. (39岁的小威$94m – 不要忘记她开始时的奖金没有现在多: 1999年她18岁赢第一个大满贯美国公开赛冠军奖金$750,000 而2020年美网是$3m.)
四娃三个非常安静 第二对打的挺紧张 需要第三局一决胜负. 土耳其娃长的像关公 行动像男人 哇啦哇啦叫的像男人. 她的品行差. 第三局最后不停挑战球线 明明出去一球之多她也敢挑. 讨厌鬼 好开心她输了. [鼓掌]
斯洛文尼亚🇸🇮 妞沉得住气. 赢回本来已经赢的赛事. 新鲜事 日日有 [晕]