An old can of pink tennis balls, with Motorola logo on them
My tennis has been going well, till today. A terrible line call put me back on earth.
At game’s point, my partner hit a beautiful down the line shot and one of opponents, looked at it for a prolonged time, like 30 second, then rendered verdict: OUT.
The opponent violated two cardinal rules:
- If you don’t make an immediately out call, which means good and you lose the point.
- 99% out, is still 100% IN.
Both rules are correlated and self explanatory. They meant to uphold honesty and fairness.
In play, the player has the right to call when the ball in on her or his side of the court. Although we saw clearly it’s a good ball, but my partner said graciously that it’s their call. The opponent didn’t make an out call. Instead, circled the mark for a good 20 to 30 seconds, asking, is it out. LOL. So pathetic, by asking, the opponent already admitted, either she didn’t see it clearly or couldn’t make up her mind to give us the game, which put us in a commanding lead.
I always think such moment is the moment of truth. You’re struggling with truth or fairness, but struggling with yourself to be a better person (fair and honest) or not to lose.
搭档打了一个很漂亮的球, 在线上. 对手站在球印边问 “是进还是出?”
心灵拷问的瞬间开始上演 其实她是在找借口,拖时间吧? 想做个诚实的人还是不要输掉那一分. 围着那个球印, 左看右看, 拿不定主意. 可怜虫 lol
规矩是 如果不能马上叫 “出”, 那分就是对方的
另外· 看起来99%出 其实就是100%进. 就这么简单 if a ball looks 99% out, it IS still 100% IN.
婊子和牌坊 很难同时拥有.