
Horrray, I played tennis today!!!  2 sets, 2 wins in the afternoon.  Hugh and I out played Simon/Sandy then Lou/Sandy.  How’s my right arm doing?  Did nothing and in pain throughout.  Hugh did all the serve – was that painful.  I can’t even hit a single forehand.  I started doing what Seles did, double handed fore and back hand.  I still have a one more match to go tonight.  And one on Friday.  Mark called me up, said, “how’s your arm?  Still in pain?  不会吧? I can’t play this Friday, can you go? ..”  As I was considering, he said, “your arm is fine, pls go ..”  Simon did the same, called me this afternoon, greeted my arm too, then said, “can you play?”  as I was seriously hesitating, “没事了 come play ..”  For the combination of ..

1. I can’t resist the callings any more,

2. not playing also hurts, and

3. eager to try my dreamed-up double handed forehand .. so I relent, willingly.  My hideous new form of forehand was so ugly to a degree that became entertaining, made them laugh so hard, they almost felt off the bench or fall to the ground.  The second part of this couplet is 身不由己 – involuntarily, go figure.

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