I’ve my first postponement request this year two weeks prior to the December match. The league granted it and rescheduled it a month later.
I already know I am short one guy for this match. Already begged all the guys on my team, they are 100% busy/committed.
The intend is really for the unexpected event like injury, not for some team that couldn’t field a stronger pair. We’re all busy during the holiday season! The rule states:
Rescheduling Courts: Each team may request the re-schedule of a maximum of 3 courts per season. NOTE: You can only re-schedule one court per match — 3rd doubles. All re-schedule requests must be submitted no later than January 15, 2010. One date will be given for the re-schedule. If either team can not make the re-schedule date, the requesting team must forfeit.
My first thought was, why doesn’t the requesting team consider to forfeit instead? Rescheduling a match involves three parts: the requesting team, the opposing team and the league. The later two have to work additionally just to accommodate the first part, the requester. The league has to weight the availability of the club, as well as both teams’ schedules. The league will not consult either teams when they grant a new date. Is it worth it? Besides, the new date might put my team at disadvantage, and I certainly don’t want to my team to be viewed as uncooperative becasue a No/can’t make it from us means forfeiture for the requesting team.
My team has always been small. One of the season we navigated the entire season with only 10 players. Not a single match was re-scheduled. No sweat. Some players had to make sacrifice (i.e. job) for the game. Maybe other teams should try a little harder before troubling two more parties for the sake of their own? It’s the third court, counts only 3 points.
However resentful, I think most team would try to accommodate the request however unwilling. Because deep down we all try our best to be courteous and want to win fair and square.
Will someone/team abuse the system? Of course. But that’s life, chill.
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