Today, it has to be the Tampa Bay day. Rays plays at Yankee, and the most anticipated game is Tom Brady (1977-) goes home, to play his New England Patriots. Holy cow.
After 20 seasons (2000-2019) and won six Super Bowl, NEP kicked him away. However, he didn’t want to retire so moved south to Tampa. Unfortunately for the NEP, he won his seventh on his first season with Buccaneers. Can one imagine that feast? Also at old age of 43!
He would have won more but Eli Manning (1981-) took his only two championship away from him. Brade, 6’4″, was drafted in 2000, round 6 (pick 199) while Manning, 6’5″, in 2004 as the #1, drafted by the San Diego but he want to play for NY Giants. Make the story short, he came to New York (2004-19) and won us two super bowl.
🏈 19:17 👏🏻
昨天最期待的赛事是🏈 QB Tom Brady 1⃣️ 四分卫汤姆 布雷迪 (1977-) 打他的老东家the New England Patriots 新英格兰爱国者队.
话说老布效劳新英格兰爱国者队20季(2000-19) 赢了六个超级碗 (价值最高的牛仔队60多年才赢了五个)后, 人老珠黄被踢出局了.
俺倒是觉得从一而终一个球队 是🐂事.
不过老布另有想法. 不甘寂寞+他巴西模特媳妇2⃣️ 也支持, 结果南下 去了佛州Tampa. 小打小闹立马赢了一个超级碗: 新东家的第二个, 他自己的第七个.
哎 有人欢乐有人悲 😵💫
小插曲: 老布虽然所向披靡 但是有一个蛮小子是他的克星
俺纽约巨人队四分卫 Eli Manning 3⃣️ 伊莱 蛮宁 (1981-), 赢了二个超级碗. 嗯 猜对了 是硬生生从老布手里抢走的. 还记得布模特老婆发飙爆粗口 草草草的吗?
小蛮的故事也挺多. 他老爸 大哥(也赢了二个超级碗)都是四分卫. 蛮毕业后可是香饽饽, 享受第一个被签走的荣誉. 可惜愣头青蛮小伙不喜欢签他的圣地亚哥队, 一哭二喊三上吊的要来纽约的巨人队. 也是醉. 从2004-19 给了我们二个冠军 嘻嘻 谢谢.
希望老布继续赢 [强]
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