This hand I’ve 19 hcp +1. My partner has 11 hcp +1 too, who opened with Pass. The bid:
- P; P; 1N (me); P
- 2♠️; P; 4S
Did I miss anything, by jumping to 4S? My reasons are: partner passed the first round, means he has less than 12 points; but two opponents also passed. So when my partner bid in the second round for 2S, I know that he at least would have 4♠️ (in fact he does ♠️KJ10 7), and I’ve ♠️AQ985. We made 5 (11 in total).
This hand I’ve 11 hcp +2. I shouldn’t have forced the issue – should stay put. The bidding:
- 1♥️; P, 1NT, 2♠️ (me)
- 2♥️; 3♦️
Responding 1NT, means the bider has 6-9 pt.
A good read on response to opening bids.
We only made 1 trick: 2 short to make the contract.
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